Wednesday, March 5, 2014

First week of classes!

This week was notable because it marked the beginning of classes at the PUCV (Pontifica Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso). Classes however, did not start off well. The very first thing a Chilean profe said was that it wasn't probably a good idea that I take his class. Which considering that there is like 300 pages of reading to do every week might be good advice. I have a mixture of classes working on things like grammar, history, and general education. I'm planning to take about 16 credits worth of classes, because I don't want to be overwhelmed. Currently I only have classes three days a week (which means more travel time!) I'm fairly excited to start classes but also still changing my schedule a bit. The first two weeks are pretty flexible time periods. My classes buildings are located in both Vina del Mar and Valparaiso, so it means a lot of traveling! Luckily, I just bought my student Metro card, which means I can ride on the Metro which runs between Vina and Valpo for a greatly reduced rate (yay!).


I finally had time this week to spend a good chunk of time at the beach. I heard it snowed recently back home. Not that I'm rubbing it in or anything. Don't worry Mom, I put on sunscreen. Unfortunately I may or may not have still gotten sunburned.  Only a little! I promise.I love that I get to live so close to the beach! It's about a twenty minute walk from my apartment. School is starting up for everyone here, so hopefully the beaches will be a little less full then! Right now the beach we go to is kinda tiny, and there is a ton of people there, so people are constantly kicking sand at you. Plus tons of venders are running around yelling about their goods, so it's not a great place for a relaxing nap. But hey, it's a beach I can't really complain.

For those who are curious this is my family! Minus my mom in the photo in the bookstore (where my Dad Ronnie works).
Camilia, Me, Ronnie, Andrea
 We're a bit of a crazy bunch but I've really enjoyed my time with them so far!

House being built like a castle? I'm a little confused on this.

My street! With a view of the cereo in the back!
Here in Valpo and Vina there a tons of hills, we're actually rather well know for them. Each large hill/cereo is separated into it's own neighborhood. I live on the cereo that's called Recreo. The problem is walking up and down them. It's not as bad going down, but going up is kinda the worst thing in the world. Mostly because it's my return from classes and my tired, but man, I am out of shape! The short cut to my house goes up this HUUUGGGGEEEE hill (it's probably not as big as I think). I just keep telling myself I just have to get up that hill and it gets better from there, but really I still have to keep going uphill for another 3 or 4 minutes. It's got to get easier. I hope.

I saved the best picture for last! My bright and cheerful house!

My house, which is home to a kindergarten

Friday we're going on a trip to a flower farm and Sunday we have plans to go hiking! I hope to have great stories about how I didn't fall down the mountain for you next week!

1 comment:

  1. Oh sooooo jealous of how close you are to the beach! Have you gone many times? Are you getting in better hill shape now??
